Impact of Home Modification and Vitamin D in Fall Prevention.

It’s Falls Prevention Awareness Week, Sept 22-28, 2018 

17 September 2018

 The arrival of autumn also marks the annual Fall Prevention Awareness Week. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) designate the September Equinox as Fall Prevention Awareness Day. While the week of September 22-28 is observed as Falls Prevention Week by A fall is known to be the leading cause of injury in older adults. 1 out of 4 Americans aged 65+ fall every year. Hospitalization costs are exorbitant and the quality of life changes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the direct medical costs (hospital, doctors, nursing home, rehab, DMEs etc) is over $30,000 in 2015. But these costs do not account for other long term effects.The good news is many falls are PREVENTABLE. Applying evidence based fall prevention programs can dramatically impede falls. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, in their September 2018 Journal, attributed 7 common falls risk factors among older adults which can be tackled and modifiable. These are: poor balance/ gait disorders, mobility problems, medication potentially linked to falls, vitamin D insufficiency, cataracts (other visual impairments), poor depth perception from multi-focal wear, and home hazards. And results of this study show that the interventions with most potential for impact on older adults are the recommended Vitamin D supplements and home modification delivered by an occupational therapist


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Stevens, Judy A and Lee, RobinThe Potential to Reduce Falls and Avert Costs by Clinically Managing Fall Risk. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. September 2018. pages 290-297